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Where to Donate Your Car


I am pretty sure by now that you have heard about the numerous benefits you stand to gain by donating your car. Apart from the fact that you do not have to incur any expenses to repair or sell the car, you can also get a tax deduction, a free vacation or a really good feeling simply because you helped someone who was in need. Whether the car is old or new that does not matter, you will always get a good deal for it. But this is easier said than done, the first thing you need to do is find a place where you will donate the car to enjoy the benefits, If you want to donate your car, here is a good suggestion for you.  


Recent years has seen the upsurge of organizations that claim to be running charitable institutions but the truth if the matter is they are frauds. The only thing they are out to do is increase their pocket sizes by profiteering from your kindness. This is totally unacceptable and since they will not stop on their own, you can make a difference.   


For that reason, when you want to donate your car to charity, you need to look for an organization that is recognized by the IRS. In fact, this is the only way you can assure yourself that you will get the tax break. In addition, if you want to find out if the charity organization has good intentions, you can look up the percentage that they get from the sale of the car. It is also a good gesture finding an agency that maximizes the amount that will reach the charity organization. Though most charity organizations are reluctant to expose these middlemen, you can have a part to play in exposing their corrupt ways.     


There are a myriad of reputable charity organizations where you can donate your car. After you have identified one, which you believe in their stance, there are a couple of steps you can follow to make a successful donation.  


You need to look up the value of your car and you can deduct the amount the charity organization sells your car. Then again, you can find out if there are any other responsibilities you can carry out for the car donations disabled vets organization. They might need a helping hand in finding a buyer or explaining the benefits of the car to and you may come in handy.

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